Sierra Rowat ~ Jewellery Design & Maker, Vancouver, BC
1. What inspires, moves or drives you?
I get inspired from festivals & festival fashion. Seeing other people's creativity definitely sparks creativity within myself and seeing my art being worn by friends on the dance floor drives me to create more.
2. What are a few of your favourite things?
Some of my favourite colours are pastels (mainly pink). My favourite animals are giraffes and rabbits but honestly any cute animal sparks joy. I enjoy being outside in nature but also love spending all day snuggled in bed depending on the time of year. Summers are my favourite here in Vancouver and I usually try to escape to somewhere hot in the winters.
3. What do you see as an ideal world? What does that look like to you?
An ideal world would look much like a festival; community, love, support, creativity, being yourself, music, friends & laughter. I've met some of my favorite people at festivals and wish that we could live in a world where everyone could experience that feeling and not have any other issues to worry about.
4. What are you up to, what kind of art do you create, what kind of healing do you do, what is your "offering"?
I have been creating Barbie inspired jewellery for a few years now. A lot of the jewellery I create are either involving barbie parts or barbie accessories that I've collected. I also find a lot of my art supplies from second hand and vintage shops and get inspired when I see something that I could make into a necklace or earrings for someone.
5. How can we find your work or follow along with your journey?
My Instagram @lifeinplasticjewelry is my main platform for selling and posting pictures of my jewellery. People who want custom pieces can direct message me. I am working on starting up on another platform but so far Instagram is my main source.
6. What are your favourite quotes or words to live by?
"Get lost in nature and you will find yourself" really stuck with me, especially when I'm travelling the world. Another one is just simply "Be yourself”, which I try to live by every day. I've found the more I've been true to myself and comfortable with who I am, the more friends I've made that are very likeminded people.
7. Who are your heros/heroines and how have they impacted your life?
My heroes and heroines are mostly my friends and family. They have all helped shape me into who I am today and helped me on my journey. My other heroines are the ladies I work with in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. These ladies are so strong and such an inspiration to me and really make me appreciate the life I was brought into. I respect them, their life stories and everything they've taught me.
8. How will you leave your mark on the world, both in terms of community and the environment?
I want to continue to help people to the best of my ability. I am currently working in the downtown Eastside at a women’s homeless centre and although its the toughest job I've ever had, it has taught me a lot about supporting people and how kindness can go such a long way. I'd like to continue to travel the world and volunteer or work in different communities that are facing poverty. In my ideal world there wouldn't be this much poverty but unfortunately we live in a very unfair world. I hope that during my travels I can meet more people who aim to help others the way I do and that way we will have an even bigger community and can accomplish more by putting our ideas into practice.
9. What advice would the present you share with the past you?
Keep motivated and continue to chase your dreams no matter how unrealistic they may seem. Always tell your friends and family how much you love them and hug them tightly.
10. What challenges have you overcome and how?
A lot of the challenges I've faced are mental challenges. I've overcome these challenges by looking after my body and mind through self care. I also find it super helpful to have a good support network that you can rely on to be there for you and for check ins. I think it's especially important right now to be looking after ourselves and others by staying positive and caring for our minds and bodies. Even though we can't be with our loved ones right now it's important to do check ins with one another and let people know how much you love them!