Kali Mari ~ Backcountry Enthusiast ~ Nelson, BC

1. What inspires, moves or drives you? 
Strong badass womxn, people who authentically express themselves through their art, fashion, dance, comedy. Shout out to NATURE for being my #1 inspo for life.

2. What are a few of your favourite things?
Obsessed with yellow by default after a (DMT) trip and I saw that my ‘aura’ was yellow. I love colours and patterns that are bright and clashing. Favourite tastes/smells are chocolate, vanilla, cilantro, and dudes who shower. Favourite pastime is being a busy body, OCD weirdo, I walk around obsessively touching everything and move it one inch...perfection. ;) All animals are the shit and deserve our respect big time.

3. What does an ideal world look like to you?
Ideal world is like a festival where we feel free to express, connect to the process of growing our own food, contribute our gifts, work less, but consume less also; a share economy, in balance with nature where every being is treated equally. Check out the Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin (https://youtu.be/5mQj574Cv_k)

4. What is your "offering", creative or otherwise?
Have you been to a festival with me? There you will see my non-commissioned live performance art, where I flail around making friends with anyone who doesn’t have the urge to high five me, cuz I was a slight germaphobe before this intense COVID thing but I actually think a good amount of germs are important...just not that many. My “art” is self expression through backcountry snowboarding, coaching, creating/sharing photos, events that bring that community together and share and grow our shred passion.

5. How can we find your work or follow along with your journey?
I started my womxns Backcountry touring clinics, and womxns shred film premieres 2 years ago in Nelson, BC. We set out to empower womxn by helping them acquire new skills in a supportive environment, and show them the badasses that they are. We’re hoping to expand to other BC locations in the future. Come shred with us babes! 
6. What are your favourite quotes or words to live by?
YOLO is my #1 mantra, because if we lived like “you only live once”, what would you do?....You’d SEND IT and do your very BEST! Also I love “Be the change you want to see in the world”  by Gandhi because it gives you the power to contribute how you want to be treated, and in my experience the universe mirrors that energy and reality. 

7. Who are your heros/heroines and how have they impacted your life?
Sooo many have inspired me it’s hard to shout out to one genre but my tops in our current world are those devoting their whole lives to trying to make the planet a better place for all of humanity... Bernie Sanders is a G, as well as Gretta Thunberg, Jane Goodall.
8. How will you leave your mark on the world, both in terms of community and the environment?
I want to leave my mark on the world, always living my passion and be remembered as a fun loving, high energy, kiddo inspiring the youth and womxn alike. I want people to know I always try to send the love and bring people together. I want to be part of the change to create a world that is all loving...I feel like we’re on that path, and we have to keep working, evolving and supporting one another.

9. What advice would the present you share with the past you?
Don’t take negative things what others say personally. You do you, and it is good enough. You are your own worst enemy, and forgive yourself.

10. What challenges have you overcome and how?
We all have different trauma that is all valid and being a woman in our society has been a constant fight as we all know, for our voice and the fight for equality is ongoing. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have and It is important to be aware of the privileges we possess in this life, and reciprocate those gifts and help whenever we can.  Advice I would give would be to overcome trauma, is that the answers are within, as well as out in the universe which to me are one in the same. Sit back, slow down and listen, the answers are there for all of us. There are so many challenges in life, but you need to look at them like lessons and opportunities. If you let go of the attachment of what we’re supposed to be doing or what your purpose is, I believe if you surrender to your path it will be shown to you.

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